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How to Execute or Run a .bin file in Ubuntu
Posted By Justin Small on Jun 24, 2017 :: 0 Comments :: Full Article
Use the command line to mark the file as executable... "sudo chmod +x file-name.bin" Now you can execute the file using "./file-name.bin" If there is an error, use "sudo ./file-name.bin" That's it! Be careful with "sudo" commands. The SUperuser DO is the "god" rights persmission to c...


Coldfusion Next Previous
Posted By Justin Small on May 10, 2017 :: 0 Comments :: Full Article


Common Mime Types
Posted By Justin Small on Feb 06, 2017 :: 1 Comments :: Full Article
These are some common Mime types. File type MIME type ai - application/postscript aif - audio/x-aiff aifc - audio/x-aiff aiff - audio/x-aiff asc - text/plain atom - application/atom+xml au - audio/basic avi - video/x-msvideo bcpio - application/x-bcpio bin - application/octet-stream b...


Copy files to another computer using SSH (Ubuntu)
Posted By Justin Small on Jan 08, 2016 :: 0 Comments :: Full Article
  1. Install openssh-server on the remote machine and local machine
  2. Install sshfs on the remote machine and local machine
    1. sudo apt-get installl sshfs
  3. create a empty dir
    1. ...


      Online Cyber Safety - ISIS Wants Your Info
      Posted By Justin Small on Dec 17, 2015 :: 0 Comments :: Full Article

      Take a moment to educate yourselves on  how ISIS (ISIL/DAESH) is expanding their information collection campaign to include malware. Be aware that as the Cyber Caliphate matures, ISIS members will continue to gain experience, with increased capability and sophistication.



      Start Coldfusion 11 from Ubuntu Command Line
      Posted By Justin Small on Jan 26, 2015 :: 0 Comments :: Full Article

      1. Open a terminal window

      2. cd /opt/coldfusion11/cfusion/bin

      3. sudo ./coldfusion start



      How to Use Multiple Monitors and Expand your desktop to both
      Posted By Justin Small on Nov 22, 2012 :: 0 Comments :: Full Article


      1. In Terminal, type xrandr and press enter

      2. Make note of your monitor names (VGA-1 for exampe and DVI-1 for example.

      3. Type this command "xrandr --output VGA-0 --right-of DVI-0 --auto" and press enter. If that isn't how you want, instead of "right...


      How To Install Flash Player Plugin for Chromium Browser in Ubuntu
      Posted By Justin Small on Nov 22, 2012 :: 0 Comments :: Full Article

      1. type this command in your terminal window: "sudo apt-get install chromium-browser flashplugin-nonfree"

      2. Type this command after the install is...


      Creative Web Solutions Featured in TXSSA Magazine
      Posted By Justin Small on Jul 28, 2012 :: 0 Comments :: Full Article

       In the May/June 2012 issue of the Texas Self Storage Association Magazine, we were asked to submit an article showcasing a self storage management website we designed with Coldfusion. You can read the article Read More ::

      What Coldfusion isnt
      Posted By Justin Small on Apr 19, 2012 :: 1 Comments :: Full Article

       Coldfusion isn't a database management interface. There's always been the saying, let the database do database things, let Coldfusion do Coldfusion things....


      Coldfusion Query Rules
      Posted By Justin Small on Sep 20, 2011 :: 0 Comments :: Full Article

       Coldfusion isn't a database management interface. There's always been the saying, let the database do database things, let Coldfusion do Coldfusion things.... so here are a few rules in helping to keep Coldfusion as "untaxed" as possible with regards to queries.


        Using CFLOOP To Dynamically Create A Form
        Posted By Justin Small on Sep 20, 2011 :: 0 Comments :: Full Article

         CFLoop is an extremely handy tool that will let you repeat something until a condition is met. In the example below, I'll show you how to create multiple input boxes for a form.


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Adobe Coldfusion application server enables developers to rapidly build, deploy, and maintain robust internet applications for their enterprise network or personal computing environment. Creative Web Solutions offers Coldfusion 11 Hosting at a great low price.