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How To Get Your Own FREE Store
To start selling today, simply follow these steps:
  1. Sign Up for a new website from Hosting Plans Menu Above*
  2. Coldfusion and ASP.NET plans both offer osCommerce
  3. Login to your Windows Control Panel, Click Features, Install for osCommerce, then follow the steps
  4. By default a store will be installed with some products so you can see how they work. Update the store to your own liking and start making money.

About osCommerce

osCommerce is a browser-based Storefront Development and Management System. It integrates cataloging, product fulfillment, maintenance, category management, shopping basket, order and credit card processing.

System Requirements

A web hosting plan and a web browser are required to use osCommerce. Not to mention a desire to sell services/products and make money!

Store Management

osCommerce comes complete with a set of wizards to simplify the process of building your store. Then, the browser-based administration interface provides access to an array of more sophisticated tools to maintain your catalog and inventory, manage accounts, create comprehensive promotional campaigns, handle order fulfillment responsibilities, and generate detailed sales and website traffic reports.

Account Management

Whether you are running a single store, or a "shopping mall", osCommerce allows you to have complete management control. You can create a store manager with full authority and multiple user accounts to handle the normal day-to-day operations of running your store. Also, customer accounts can be set up to provide frequent shopper programs, discounted pricing and special product availability.

Catalog Management

Create categories, products, and attributes within osCommerce using wizards, the osCommerce administration interface, or the product import utility. Use the sorting capability to quickly organize your products for display. Create detailed product descriptions using text and HTML and attributes can be assigned to products to allow you to identify your products' characteristics more accurately to your customers.


Merchandising is key to success of all stores and osCommerce has the capability to implement a variety of programs to increase your sales. With osCommerce you can associate complimentary products to give shoppers the opportunity to purchase others that are similar. You can also create an upsale process when shoppers meet pre-defined criteria such as purchasing specific products, or exceeding specified dollar amounts. Pricing groups can be used in combination with select shopper availability groups to qualify them for discounts on any or all products in the store.

Modular Architecture

osCommerce is specifically designed so developers and aftermarket venders can implement their own customized modules around a common API. Once a module is developed, push-button registration automatically integrates it into the main osCommerce system.

  • Abundant Features
  • Fulfillment
  • User Interface
  • Shipping
  • Payment
  • Currency
  • Sales Tax
  • Batch Reporting
  • Import / Export
  • Buyer Traffic Reporting
  • Intercept System Functions
  • Documentation
  • Context-sensitive help is available for each key field in the administrative interface within osCommerce.

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Creative Web Solutions
Phone: (713) 817-2388
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